Pornhub backlash

Pornhub backlash

Archived from the original on March 30, After a backlash, both Visa and Mastercard stopped processing payments from the site. Download our newest episodes now! She was found being raped in 58 videos. In a call with The Independent , she brings up Section , a piece of legislation that limits the liability of services such as Pornhub, which host content generated by third-party users. I agree with DailyO's privacy policy. After facing a backlash, adult entertainment portal Pornhub has removed millions of unverified videos uploaded by official content partners or members of its model programme. Archived from the original on March 22, Must Read. Home Notifications Search My O. The Daily Beast ' s Nick Schager and News24 ' s Gabi Zietsman felt there was a lack of investigative journalism and that subjects were not covered in sufficient depth. Their stylists are rising to the occasion.

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