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Washington, D. Retrieved 18 April We heard that although our platforms are leading in providing resources, education and support for content creators, we must do more. Manwin was the biggest funder of the No on Government Waste Committee. Archived from the original on 31 January Part of the page long claim alleged: "Manwin, Digital Playground, and their related companies, affiliates, brands, and certain third-party affiliates have conspired to boycott the. It has been reported that MindGeek's dominance in online pornography may have negative results because of the monopolistic powers they have from owning both production and distribution avenues. Archived from the original on 9 May We provide trusted environments to enable a safe online user experience, and to empower our communities by celebrating diversity, inclusion and expression. Archived from the original on 12 June MindGeek has said the allegations lack merit. Retrieved 19 March

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