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Archived from the original on May 11, Advertisements placed on a digital interface, in particular in the form of banner advertising, search engine advertising and comparable advertising services. In the column "The Day After" in September , Kristof wrote, "In one Shiite city after another, expect battles between rebels and army units, periodic calls for an Iranian-style theocracy, and perhaps a drift toward civil war. July 6, Kristof has written several articles on the controversial use of flame retardants in furniture, [85] [86] [87] [88] most recently in the November piece "Danger Lurks in that Mickey Mouse Couch. Clients include: Beats by Dre, Checkout. The following are not considered as online advertising services: Advertising services which are subject to advertising tax under the Advertising Tax Act , Federal Law Gazette I No. If you have neither a registered office nor a place of management or permanent establishment in the European Union or the wider European Economic Area, you are required to appoint a fiscal representative. Retrieved February 14, Tools Tools. Retrieved July 27, Retrieved March 11,

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