Pornhub asking age

Pornhub asking age

How it works. Attempting to mandate age verification without any means to enforce at scale gives platforms the choice to comply or not, leaving thousands of platforms open and accessible. The law does make an exception for bona fide news sites, public interest broadcasters, and news gathering organizations. Such an approach requires the cooperation of manufacturers and operating-system providers. Other products. Louisiana was the first US state to pass a law requiring porn sites to verify the age of their visitors, but it is unlikely to be the last. AgeID has been designed with privacy and security at its core, so much so that we believe we provide the most robust solution available. Users will only have to log in again if they switch device or browser — or if they go into Incognito Mode, Clark says. He noted that "laws affect much more than adult sites" because of vague language that makes it so things like "a 'description of a female nipple' is enough to trigger liability" in some states for various other websites, including sex education resources. That means lawmakers should not shoot from the hip when dealing with such sensitive and multifaceted issues. What you need to know — a device-based solution More of these laws are coming, and the safety of our users is one of our biggest concerns. Indiana, Idaho, Kansas, Kentucky and Nebraska.

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