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She stands to the side and rubs her tits on your body but no Russian either. While the beds they're using are wider than the standard massage tables, making it less awkward for the sliding, they're not exactly the most comfortable, something I had to point out to Lana on the way out; 30 minutes laying on my front left me with a bit of a sore chest afterwards from the lack of padding on the table. Someone posted her pics are real here. She's Russian and 6. She has a rubber cover over a heated mattress. She teases you and allows touching. I've seen her a few times between Nuru Gurus, Golden, and then as an indie and all were great times. She works Tues, Thurs and Sat. Does anyone know if Taylor Reed is still around? I've heard she can be better for others though. I might try Daisy or Cherry next. Bushy Pussy you mean like this?

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