Pornhub anniversary

Pornhub anniversary

The singer finally lost weight after dropping some 'Bad Habits. I want content for: Both Men Women. The info graphics below show the most uploaded categories. Helpline , the Stop It Now! Both stats have been on the upswing, however, with showing average time on site of about 9. To top off the celebration, Pornhub also released a batch of statistics and data on its exponential growth since its inception. Also Read:. Get Help website and campaign , providing self-help resources and information. Parent company MindGeek has been acquired by a private equity firm, just days after a new Netflix documentary chronicled its exploitative practices. In the wake of this scandal, Pornhub removed 80 percent of the content from its site—but not until after Visa and Mastercard revoked the use of their services to process payments, to the detriment of adult industry professionals who relied on it for income. Link Copied. With the right plan and the right discipline, you can get seriously shredded in just 28 days.

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