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The Best Movies of , So Far. By Bess Levin. Most Popular. By Eve Batey. In a dazzling Italy some decades ago, two young men meet and experience a sweeping, happy-sad summer of self-realization together. By Molly Jong-Fast. If they make their way onto land, they magically transform—in appearance, at least—into humans, free to interact with the landlubbers of a small fishing town populated with whimsical characters. He also relishes being able to offer uncut partners a rarefied sexual experience, particularly in a country like America where circumcision rates hover around 75 percent, one of the highest in the world. This at least nudges Disney closer to exploring the full breadth of reality. You can The corporate lawyer turned correspondent is having a moment on the cable news channel, relaying all the daily drama from the camera-free courtroom. By Chris Murphy.

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