Pornhub age verification texas

Pornhub age verification texas

Gray DC Bureau. Latest News. According to Newsweek , the Free Speech Coalition, a trade association that fights for protection and the rights of the adult industry, said they will continue to fight the current bill. By requiring adults to submit personal data, Ezra reasoned, the law would discourage adults from accessing the websites because of concerns about identity theft and extortion. This article tagged under: texas. The law requires adult websites to verify users are at least 18 years old using a government-issued ID or public or private transactional data" before being allowed to access the content. Start your day with Reason. The U. Constitution's First Amendment safeguards against government interference with freedom of speech. Elizabeth Nolan Brown is a senior editor at Reason. Using this service does not require people to turn over their real identities to porn sites. If AI generates pornographic content that includes the face, likeness, or other distinguishing features of a real child, it falls under the same category as traditional child pornography under Penal Code

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