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Nacho is trying to survive his early adolescence taking refuge dancing with a techno dance machine. The peculiar milieu of this family helps Claudia create a friendship with Martha, and when she discovers that HIV is waning her health, she decides to commit herself to this family. At school, Juan is known as Ernesto. It is a reflection about love and marriage. Oliverio lives in a building taken over by imigrants from the Mexican countryside who works to provide the basic services lacking in the dwelling. During one of their many observation trips, a group of amateur astronomers spend all night following their passion: the stars. But it is not only a portrait of Mexico, through the fragility of these children, the film explores the fragility of human nature. A planet strictly out of bounds on his emotional travel card. Julian thinks he has the situation under control, but a surprising event makes him realize that no one can go against his nature. In spite of a condemned future, there are some residents who decide to remain, holding on to their memories and grieving for the past, when life in Fogo was different. The arrival of bad boy JD Christian Slater, channelling Jack Nicholson offers Veronica the chance she need to break out of this constricting caste, and the two become a kind of situationist Bonny and Clyde. La Tetona lo amenaza para que se deshaga de la plaga de zombis.

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