Poor things pornhub

Poor things pornhub

Apple has the tech already with their digital driver's license initiative. Here's my ID, here's my pornhub account name, here's a service fee, digitally attest to the fact that I proved that I'm of legal age. I'd say overall it's still pretty much the wild west. If they were rolling out age verification that already has some of this in place, it'd be a different story. Sharon Stone should have chosen more pretentious directors in her heyday In Sweden currently we are in a situation where there are multiple competing identify providers. PornHub doesn't argue against age verification, it criticizes the poorly designed implementation. There is a bit of talk to make those an open standard, including defining exactly what information the provider and the recipient should get. The websites don't need to keep any information on file either. Why are people so upset? Hulk what are you doing bro?? Leave a reply: Thank you!

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