Pole dance pornhub

Pole dance pornhub

This shows that a platform that was initially born to give people a voice is also becoming a platform for the elite — influencers, celebrities — who make the platform more money than small movements with smaller followings. The community is upset and mobilising to try and contest the shadowban and censorship. Please feel free to repost and share on your feed, on your story, on Facebook — print it out and stick it on your front door if you like, just get it out there. I spoke to Instagram today about the apparent increase in the shadowban of pole dancing hashtags — read what they had to say here. Take YouTube for example:. Why does this matter? A post shared by michelleshimmy michelleshimmy on Jul 19, at pm PDT. Sign it here. When companies become IPO materials and end up turning out the profits Facebook and Instagram turn out, their stakes are too high not to try to cover their backs. View this post on Instagram. Nobody thinks of strippers when they see it, nor seeks it out for that reason. Victoria Coren Mitchell.

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