Pirate of the caribbean pornhub

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The novelization subverts this by spelling out that Will noticed that Jack kept a medallion and pieced together what Jack was really planning, so he played along. Jack and Elizabeth meet when she falls from the cliff; when they say goodbye at the end of the film, at the same place, Jack is the one who falls off the cliff. Nautical Knockout : Jack Sparrow does this intentionally when Will Turner is holding him at sword point. Archived from the original on September 6, He substitutes "raid" instead. Media sources:. Nhan Wu Chow. And that, my friends, is why one shouldn't build prison cells with half-pin barrel hinges. Adult Adventure Comedy. Governor Swann lampshades this in the end when Norrington is unsure whether to go after Jack or not. Barbossa: Don't dare impugn me honor, boy! Elizabeth uses parley to spare her life, Jack tries it later on his old partners to no avail, and Pintel warns Jack's captured crew not to think of playing the parley card.

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