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Thread starter conntom Start date Mar 31, Attachments Images Videos All. SB: How did you get your creative footing? Haley is reluctant at […]. You must log in or register to reply here. I went to Falmouth - Cornwall, which at first glance does sound like it could be quite mundane and overly tranquil, which at times it definitely was, but I think I learnt a huge amount there. TG: Spray on skinny jeans, not a cute look for me. That 2nd one is the best of the three, but the music is annoying. Her stepbrother Ricky Spanish has moved in while she was away! Media: When Haley passes by his room one morning, Brad beckons her in even though his wife Claudia Monet is still sleeping beside him. Studying Photography from School to then uni in Falmouth, creative imagery and the process has always been very much on the brain.

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