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I own a similar one in an olive plaid. Blackface This is basically what non-black people do to significantly darken their skin tone to play a role. If fashion can be used to put a spotlight on social issues, the Filipiniana can be used to raise awareness for national concerns. Share 0. Remember that tokhang victims are alleged or suspected drug dealers, and many of them were defensless children and teens. I love, your longer hair and your style, dear Patti. I love your skirt and badass boots, I can just imagine you stamping and swirling about. Love the different textures and patterns here. Because of its tendency towards spectacle, costume drama is the home of Costume Porn , especially the pimped out Gorgeous Period Dress. Blue really is your colour. Sets me up for the week ahead, Patti so thank you! The classic American Prairie look has a long history, from the actual Western prairie, to square dancing, to Gunne Sax remember them?

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