Pakistani actresses

Pakistani actresses

She is also an accomplished singer, having sung several popular songs for television including appearing on the prestigious Coke Studio and she has undertaken several sell-out music tours in the US playing to arenas across the country. She is a well-known Pakistani actress who works in high-budget films and television serials, and has won the hearts of a zillion fans and viewers. His cause of fame is the character played in a Television soap serial "Pyarey Afzal". Her dances and movies also catch public attention. Sanam Baloch is a Pakistani actress and television host. He specifically focuses on women's education and empowerment and to that end is an ambassador for Girl Rising and an academy member of the Global Teacher Prize alongside Freida Pinto and Chelsea Clinton. Hania Aamir is a well-liked and highly regarded actress in the business. The next Pakistani actress name who is very beautiful and talented is Hania Aamir. Yumna Zaidi slowly and gradually rose to stardom and is now one of the top stars in Pakistan. Zahid Ahmed. Recently, he scripted Reema Khan's Love Mein Gum and was contracted to star in the film but opted out, as Reema was unable to direct the script in the way he planned. Discovered through Dubsmash, she made her debut with a film Janaan and later came into dramas.

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