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Newsweek magazine delivered to your door Newsweek Voices: Diverse audio opinions Enjoy ad-free browsing on Newsweek. A spokesperson for Pornhub told Newsweek that the website "acted swiftly" to remove the infected content and eliminate the risk of users being tricked into installing malicious updates. Alaska has a new nonprofit newsroom in the Matanuska-Susitna Borough. Edward Kelly, of Marlton was told by a friend that a selfie of him holding more than a dozen hundred dollar bills while wearing a Pittsburgh Pirates cap was being used to accompany an ad on Pornhub. Lithium-ion batteries, electronic devices could soon be banned from NH landfills. The lawsuit states the ad has been running on Pornhub for at least six years. It comes days after Pornhub — joined by other explicit content providers and a free speech group — sued the state in an attempt to block the law. Alixel Cabrera. They asked a federal judge in Indianapolis to issue a preliminary injunction against the law. Copy Link. Clayton Henkel. Emma Murphy.

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