National grab a booty day

National grab a booty day

Judgement Gods AU. Freak Show. The raven haired emo perked up and whirled around, staring at Gene with shock. And as much as he paid attention to Gene, he didn't acknowledge the delinquent's favorite holiday, because he didn't know about it. National Grab Some Nuts Day is a day dedicated to grabbing nuts of all sorts — almonds, cashews, pistachios, or even just your standard Planters Peanut. If anyone tries to grab your butt, break their hands, and, Zane, should you really be wearing your smaller pants today? He kept his hands in his pocket as he roamed the emptying hallways of the disguised prison known as Phoenix Drop Highschool, a place where the older scolded and disciplined the younger who strived to achieve different goals in life. The possibilities are endless! Some of them feared minor disciplinary measures, others who strived to be a teacher's pet all year-round. Eye of the Savior. Send to Friend. Oneshot Shorts.

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