Name that pornhub ad

Name that pornhub ad

Mobile Tablet Only : x, x Homepage Newsletters. Contact Us. It also operates the YouPorn and Redtube adult content sites. A real challenge for the brand is that it scarcely has a social media footprint in comparison to the traffic it derives from Google; naturally most networks make life hard for those vending pornography. They say the brand "trusts" them and as a result they've been granted a lot of creative freedom to bring to life ideas that humourise and subvert a porn advertising market that is often at best crude and at worst disturbing. But each campaign, which takes months to bring to fruition, also has a clear call-to-action in an attempt to legitimise porn in the eyes of a wider audience. Contributor Network Latest insights, case studies and news from agencies, tech vendors, freelancers and other organisations. Even if an advertiser is open to working with adult publishers, user-generated content UGC on their sites can be an issue just like it is on major social platforms. Display Banner. In-Stream Video. According to his LinkedIn page , Gulver has been working as a copywriter at Alametifarika, a Turkish ad agency responsible for, among other campaigns, an immensely popular Turkish Airlines ad starring Lionel Messi and Kobe Bryant.

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