Naked women shot

Naked women shot

Categories : Hairless female genitalia Nude sitting women Photographs by Peter Klashorst Nude or partially nude women wearing Converse shoes. Law enforcement arrested the woman near the Interstate transition, and eastbound Interstate 80 lanes, along with the transition, on the Bay Bridge were temporarily shut down. Teens in stolen car arrested Vallejo after police chase. CHP says their officers were able to safely de-escalate the situation, convince her to drop the weapon and give up. This time, the driver allegedly exited the car naked and carrying a gun; she then began firing shots into the air and at other vehicles, according to the CHP. Station Info. They noticed a woman, not wearing any clothes, firing a weapon into oncoming traffic. This image, originally posted to Flickr , was reviewed on 19 April by the administrator or reviewer Fernando Estel , who confirmed that it was available on Flickr under the stated license on that date. Be the first to know. The dangerous and bizarre scene caused serious traffic delays for drivers. A naked woman armed with a gun opened fire into oncoming traffic on a busy bridge in Northern California Tuesday. Four different gunmen shot her a total of 36 times with a variety of Kalashnikov rifles and a PKM-style machine gun.

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