Naked military babes

Naked military babes

The judge advocate general serves as the senior uniformed attorney in the Army. Her overseas assignments included service in India, Korea, and Japan. Army Corps of Engineers. During McGuire's nearly 30 years of active service, she was assigned in key command and staff billets from platoon level to the Army staff. Army, Marines and Air Force were represented at the ceremony. She joined the Army's Women Army Corps in , and entered the aviation school when women were first allowed in. Courageous female soldier looking away thoughtfully while standing outside her house with her bag. West is also the first black female lieutenant general, the first black female major general of the Army's active component and Army Medicine's first African-American female two-star general. Her open dialogue from her experiences as a female POW helped drive Congress to expand the roles of women in combat. Happy female soldier in multicam uniform. Soldier mom gives preteen son big hug. Photo of smiling female soldier taking break.

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