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Ebony 11, Romantic 8, He would rather admit to his crime, then deny it, then force tax payers to pay for his court costs. I think it moved. Move on.. It's not about the problems, but how they choose to deal with them. If you have discovered this article subsequently clearly you're worried about the kids opening free porn. POV 47, Your comment has been submitted for review. As a result of these tapes being released, she should move to the world's largest and craziest insane asylum, in other words The Sovereign State of the People's Republic of San Francisco. If the current BOS members appoint someone questionable, we need to speak up loudly and stop letting the vetting process consist of choosing cronies or storing up favors. And still furthermore if one candidate for the office being contested has a huge amount more money for the election campaign than his or her opponents, that candidate usually wins, and regardless of qualifications.

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