Muslim pornography

Muslim pornography

Be ready to do what is necessary to change, no matter how difficult or painful, even if it means not even watching television for the news or never surfing the Internet alone. Spending spare time helping other Muslims or promoting a good cause may help to get your mind off of porn. Recognizing that there needed to be a more comprehensive assessment strategy,. Teen girl in hijab deflowered by boyfriend on mardi gras 8 min 8 min Mako -. And there are additional challenges that can have life-long impacts, even after the dangerous behavior has stopped. Not Helpful 17 Helpful You are no longer in control of your life. Besides, many people in general, and teenagers in particular, waste their lives and times doing things which Allah forbade them to do. If you suspect a problem, learn more about the issue yourself and find support in your local community. Sell on Amazon Start a Selling Account. Negative Effects of Pornography Not only it has serious impact on your brain, but it has a psychological effect on the person watching it. Given the consensus opinion within Islamic scholarship, the above Quranic verses and hadiths, and the Islamic values of lowering the gaze, modesty, guarding chastity and private parts both for male and female , strict prohibition of zina and therefore, surely the filming and enjoyment of watching zina and so on, there is no argument for any form of halal porn.

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