Most popular pornhub searches

Most popular pornhub searches

During the 3 hour live broadcast, traffic to Pornhub dropped though-out much of Europe, especially in countries represented by a finalist. When the focus is on female pleasure, it is easy to put ourselves in the position of the ladies that are clearly having a good time. Sure, New Year's Eve witnessed a 12 per cent drop on the site, but the least traffic on the site was on Holi which fell on March 12, when Pornhub saw a 16 per cent decrease in traffic, proving that if there's one thing that Indians love more than pornography, it's Holi! The allure of straight guy porn for gay men sometimes is about fantasizing about conventional masculinity. They are necessary for the website to function, do not store any personally identifiable information and no cookies from other subdomains is used. Cookie Permissions. Threesome became the 2nd most popular category of video in Mexico, and Transgender the 3rd. In case you're unfamiliar, hentai is a porn that is made from anime and manga. You will find plenty of eye-catching infographics laying out a variety of results between the genders, sexual orientations, breakdowns of state-by-state search habits, the time people spend on Pornhub, and so much more. Wyoming was the longest lasting state at 11 minutes 3 seconds. Every year, live events around the world contribute to substantial changes in traffic. Women are becoming more confident in asking for what they want so the idea of exploring this type of activity can be exciting!

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