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He was You wrote the snow, and the horses. Slowly, the water became clearer and I started to see the bottom. It seemed preferable to moralistic patriarchal condemnation that would ultimately judge me as tarnished. Later, he would gleefully recount noticing my black panties under my white workout shorts. I have not been good at choosing the right men to have relationships with, but with years of counselling I managed to turn my life around. Female sexuality was about access. To me, it brings to mind the image of onlookers ready to exclaim in shock, horror, while breathlessly watching on. I had woken up early, buzzing from the adrenaline of a series of unaccustomed public appearances following the recent publication of my book. Our sexual revolution has always been a fight for basic human rights, self-determination and full bodily autonomy for all. A teenager, for sure, but also: a child. I was a girl who had walked home from school, changed into whatever clean basketball gear I could find, and headed to practice.

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