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Structured data Items portrayed in this file depicts. Edit on Wikidata. It is credited with popularizing location-based and AR technology, promoting physical activity , and helping local businesses grow due to escalated foot traffic. Log In Create Free Account. The Huffington Post. The small smoky miracle of the movie is that it creates something so intangible, so lyrical, from the absolutely elemental: fire, wood, water and lots of naked female flesh. This harrowing documentary finds a brave nurse unearthing a shocking truth within the walls of a local hospital. This work includes material that may be protected as a trademark in some jurisdictions. Then the same man, Robert Berchtold, kidnapped Broberg again, leaving many wondering how on earth such a crime could have been allowed to happen once, let alone twice. Archived from the original on September 13, Some information may no longer be current. But the film also chronicles, with footage shot on a cell phone, the attempt by five members of a family to leave this bad dream of a nation, and their escape story has a scary, suck-in-your-breath suspense.

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