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On December 3rd, , Tumblr updated its "Adult content" guidelines page, announcing that sexually explicit content and most nudity with some exceptions would be permanently banned from the platform starting December 17th. Koker passed away. Login Now! Hot Dog Legs 4. Read our privacy policy for more info. Fake Photosets are still images or animated GIFs that are sectioned into multiple frames with white margin space in order to give the appearance of a photo set post on Tumblr. While no official word was given as to what happened, a tweet by bluechoochoo [44] led credence to the idea that the deletion was caused by the uncensored adult content on Tumblr. Tumblr's Fakest Story: The Ta For example, a post by identified IRA account lagonegirl featured the Draymond Green Talking to Kevin Durant meme and gained over , notes shown below, left. In the first family, the mother and son were lovers who never had the chance to be together in their past life. Boku no Hero Academia 6. So I decided to go through my own personal blog just out of curiosity to see if anything I've posted is going to be taken down, and apparently, if a post has been deemed 'sensitive', it's gonna have this little thing at the top to show it's been flagged.

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