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TT Boy, from what I hear, had to do it. One of those guys was Frank Towers. In a situation where transplants, hybrid animals and bubbles of gastric juice are portrayed in meticulous and fantastical detail, the inconveniences of the real-life body of a sexually active child-woman are too boring to explain. Certainly, Bella finds liberation through her sexuality: she and her fellow prostitutes refer to sex work as turning their own bodies into a means of production — but prostitution, in the circumstances Bella finds herself in, is surely more about survival and labour than empowerment. Is she exploiting the men? Rather amazing. Divorcing her from these characteristics to push through a feminist or antifeminist argument is to not see the film — or her character — as a whole. Stand well back and see if they can get along. Peter North had to do it. This article is more than 4 months old. No need to reference its male author, director and predominantly male production team, this is a film in which the heroine is literally created — stitched together and reanimated — by a man. She likes sex so obviously this is the perfect job for her.

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