Mei cornejo

Mei cornejo

Visibility of female compared to male scientific experts in German media coverage of eight science related issues Leidecker-Sandmann, M. Teil: 5, —, Dt. Challenges and ways forward for sustainable weather and climate services in Africa Lamptey, B. Development of Fe-based catalysts for CO 2 hydrogenation to higher hydrocarbons for operating in slurry reactor Fedorov, A. Climatology of low-level clouds over Western equatorial Africa based on ground observations and satellites Champagne, O. Quantum sensors for dark matter and neutrino physics experiments Kempf, S. Mexican drought: an observational modeling and tree ring study of variability and climate change. Biondi, J. Past week. The Effect of Fluorination Schaal, H. Frontiers in Toxicology, 6. Geophysical Research Letters, 50 2 , eGL

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