Mature gaping

Mature gaping

If the carcass was tangled in the hosta, then the fledgling might have gotten stuck in the branches, but it sounds like you found it on the ground. Or are they able to squish themselves into smaller spaces than one would think?? It sounds like it might have had some neurological condition that effected its ability to use its legs. Heck, when I go out of town or camping or vacation, the cats get lots of food and water and litter boxes and are locked inside for days, so it is no different for them now, with the exception that I have to look at them and listen to them whine a bit. Hi love your blog….. They were out of their eggs on Monday Memorial day, this is June 6. As well as when the propane gets filled. They also like to nest right next to roads — they really like edges. Also, it may have fallen from the nest because we had a strong storm come through with high winds prior to finding the bird. I noticed the father feeding it yesterday. Thank you for this reply, it really helps, and thank you for all the help. I love all animals, and it is too stressful for me to have the birdies where they are.

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