Malay sex

Malay sex

Translations Click on the arrows to change the translation direction. Due to circumcision and prohibition of sex outside marriage, being Muslim was argued to be a protective factor against sexually transmitted infections STI and Human Immunodeficiency Virus HIV. Data regarding age, ethnicity, social background, lifestyle i. The exact reason for this discrepancy is unknown. Total, free and non-SHBG-bound fraction estradiol levels were skewed, and no conventional transformation methods were suitable to normalize them. The incidence of hip fracture in malaysians above 50 years of age: Variation in different ethnic groups. Mohamed IN provided a critical statistical review ofthe manuscript. Information concerning ethnic differences in sex hormone levels might also aid decisions regarding whether different androgen deficiency cutoff points are needed for separate ethnic groups in a multiracial setting. The decline in non-SHBG-bound and free fraction levels was more obvious than that of total testosterone because the SHBG levels increased in men as they aged. English—Dutch Dutch—English. Relationship of sex steroid hormones with bone mineral density bmd in a nationally representative sample of men. Participants who visited the health screening facility at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia were recruited between September and September

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