Louisiana law pornhub

Louisiana law pornhub

Yes, porn sites now require age verification in Louisiana , or they might face pretty hefty fines. Learn how your comment data is processed. For security reasons, a company would have to log data using an interface call that allows one application to request data from another, he said. With June temperatures at half the level of , forecasters Pornhub didn't respond to Insider's request for comment before publication. Before users can browse through the porn site, they must now prove their age through the LA Wallet App, a digital version of their Louisiana drivers' license, Vice confirmed through a virtual private network. Other users expressed concern about using LA Wallet, specifically the state having knowledge of who accesses content that some may consider taboo or immoral. Share icon An curved arrow pointing right. Check out our online security courses and grab a limited-time offer. LA Wallet allows you "to obtain a legal digital replica of your Louisiana Driver's License on your mobile electronic device," the app says. Revealed: Britain's best fish and chips. Learn more about our editorial integrity and research process.

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