Literotica grandmother

Literotica grandmother

Pushing all the way in with each stroke. Share this Story. I gasped when I held the cockhead at her body, the molten embrace surprising me because I'd thought she would be big inside. There is plenty of room for both of us and I can just hold the basket on the back. Your face, Mikey, I think you might hurt your dear old gran if I let you start banging away. She crawled up and straddled me, slowly lowering herself onto my cock. Lit Control Panel. You see, I have to go over to Mr. The only thing we had left to do was attend the annual baseball game played by locals. Why don't we stop and see if we even have enough money to get in the game. Grandma's wage war. My one reservation was that I would have to repay her generosity by spending time with her and in my mind she was an old lady and therefore boring.

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