Laura martinez ass

Laura martinez ass

Katherine and Maria are starting to fight. Laura tries to keep them from leaving the house, so she ties them up in the attic. Laura removes her mask and laughs too. After hitting her ass until it becomes red and warm, catsuited Laura pulls Katherine out of the room and up into the attic. Katherine massages Maria's shoulders, neck, and face, using sensual and slow circular movements. Missy Martinez Hc Feb 09, They walk around Laura in their high heels for a few rounds before leaving the room. Laura pulls Maria and Katherine's ears and tells them not to leave the house. Laura whips Maria's ass hard with the leather belt, and her goal is to turn Maria's ass red like a rose! She is shown a thong and told what is going to happen. Laura Martinez Updates. Katherine is angry and makes muffled noise, feeling tricked and betrayed!

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