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Wassermann 2. Motor function was assessed by performing a battery of tests before and 48 hours after the ischemia and then subsequently every week up to end of treatment week 4. However, at present, no studies are available regarding the early appearance of these brain alterations in Cdkl5 KO mice, and their severity in the early stages of life compared to adulthood. Our results suggest a dissociation between explicit and implicit processing of discriminative and affective components of touch: while explicit processing of both the discriminative and emotional components of touch is impaired in ASD patients, autonomic responses suggest that implicit processing in ASD patients is comparable to the neurotypical population. Our previous in vitro and in vivo studies have demonstrated that mdx mouse hippocampal neurons are significantly more sensitive, compared to wild-type, to both acute and sub-chronic administrations of GCs, highlighting a condition of hyper-responsiveness, characteristic of chronic stress responses. Conversely, the control experimental condition was associated with increasingly long reaction times. Instead, after long-term treatment, able to induce synaptic loss and actin rods formation, cofilin is still reduced while CAP2 dimerization is impaired. Being accepted by a group often implies showing our best qualities, and sometimes we adopt deceptive behaviors to enhance our social-self. The significance and the characterization of these connections, however, is still under investigation. Immunofluorescence analyses showed that montelukast treatment increases OPCs recruitment and proliferation and promotes their differentiation to mature oligodendrocytes suggesting a link between OPCs activation, maturation and fiber connectivity. To address this demand, we used a mouse model for ischemic injury middle cerebral artery occlusion, MCAO and investigated putative biomarkers at both behavioral and functional level. Dan Callahan September 06,

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