Kissing pranks

Kissing pranks

Updated November 2, pm. Please read our Commenting Policy first. In hindsight, the school regrets how this unfolded. Click to scroll back to top of the page Back to top. Students suggest the athletes were made to believe the kisses would come from female athletes or girlfriends. Story continues below advertisement. Paul's Black Garnet Books. A student who called herself a good friend of the athlete in the WCHS videos said despite the hostile reaction, the student was taking the incident in relatively good humour, making jokes about it in his own social media posts. Maybe Chris from PrankInvasion is so wildly charismatic that women just jump at the chance to kiss him whenever he shows up. Wollersheim released a formal apology on Tuesday after receiving about a dozen emails or calls from upset people inside and outside the district. Related News. Seen without that context, he said he could under parents' concern.

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