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His middle finger is etched with a single tooth, hanging off a thin branch wrapping around the rest of his hand. A group of porn sites sued Texas shortly after the law was passed but the notoriously conservative Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals sided with the state, allowing the law to stand. Credit card. But pornography trade group Free Speech Coalition sued, arguing the statute violates free speech protections. The age-verification question could eventually go to the Supreme Court. Chaturbate is requiring users to verify their age by logging in with an account or using a digital ID, while xHamster prompted users to click a button indicating that they are at least 18 years of age. Pornhub reportedly added these warnings last year, although Texas also accuses Aylo of failing to display them. Texas' law was passed "without any means to enforce at scale" and will result in users visiting other adult sites "with far fewer safety measures in place, which do not comply" with the law, PornHub said in a statement to the Houston Chronicle. Already a subscriber to The Week? Users are being shown the following statement on the Pornhub landing page:. The suits argued that simply asking users if they are at least 18 years of age does not qualify as a "reasonable" attempt at age verification, which is required by law. Skip to main content The Verge The Verge logo.

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