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Mass unemployment and population loss, the decay that had started with white flight accelerating through deindustrialization. The way I see it, urban fantasy has two rules: 1. How in retrospect it was the only possible real ending, and the one I hoped the book would arrive at. Fantastic prose, extremely depressing, but it gives you a lot to think about. As the effective distance between continents diminishes, the realities of the world that were once far away from the wealthy and fortunate, were once nebulous and ethereal to them, are made vividly real and close. As a genre it would go on to live a fairly short life, plateauing in the late eighties, followed by a handful of peak post-cyberpunk moments in the nineties Snow Crash, Ghost in the Shell culminating in The Matrix and then almost immediately fading into relative obscurity. Windows are boarded up, taped up, or obscured for security, limiting the light available indoors. In this way it was perfectly suited for that Dangerous Visions anthology. Desperation causes the Athsheans, led by Selver, to retaliate against their captors, abandoning their strictures against violence. Only after moving on to The Player of Games and finishing it, did Consider Phlebas start to take form and make a measure of sense to me. YOU are one of the best story tellers in our Family. The way in which William Finnegan splits his time between war correspondence and surfing — two extreme lifestyles on their own, together in one individual — was properly interesting.

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