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The Washington State Department of Health likewise shut down all recreational shellfish harvesting in Grays Harbor and Willapa Bay over similarly high levels of biotoxins. They both went on to star in several more of the era's iconic teen-focused movies, with McCarthy starring in Pretty in Pink , Mannequin and Weekend at Bernie's , while Moore led a series of '90s hits including Ghost and Indecent Proposal However, I feel like I may need support to continue being sober. Rebecca Grossman, a rich and powerful Los Angeles socialite, sped her Mercedes through a crosswalk and killed Mark Iskander, 11, and his 8-year-old brother, Jacob, as they were crossing the street with their mother and younger brother. I have to say that I find Matt Bomer's performance in White Collar better than anything else I've ever seen him do - charming, sexy, engaging. The president delivered a message about Juneteenth to the audience but suffered another deeply off-putting moment when his speech became slurred beyond comprehension. But I'd wait until after the election. The recipient of the alleged sexual act remains unclear. As some suggested, if Wilson and Birdsong joined the tour midway through, after all the negative press, it might have become one of the most successful and talked about concert events of the decade. On the recent thread about the golden years of Vanity Fair, I noticed there were other Dominic Dunne fans among us. Another strike on a house overnight killed six people, according to the records. I guess we'll walk through the gayborhood and see the booths.

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