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ET on ABC. With a strong team of writers, editorialists, and social managers, we strive to provide to you the most up-to-date wrestling news and information around the web. Ryan Clark - June 14, In September , Perry told Goldberg that "the Hollywood system moves a little slower" than he envisioned for the film, but that Sister Act 3 had a "good script" in gestation. The View airs weekdays at 11 a. Of course, the following images she posted with a replica WWE Title belt did nothing but fuel the rumors more. Sign up for Entertainment Weekly 's free daily newsletter to get breaking TV news, exclusive first looks, recaps, reviews, interviews with your favorite stars, and more. Thank you. Whoopi Goldberg and her Sister Act 2 costars Kathy Najimy and Wendy Makkena got down to some sinfully funny business while wearing their nun costumes on a break from filming the comedy classic. The View moderator welcomed her fellow Sister Act sisters as well as Sheryl Lee Ralph , who didn't play a nun in the film to the talk show Wednesday for a special 30th anniversary cast reunion, during which the actresses recalled going to a porn store to buy a sex toy while dressed in their habits. Joey Nolfi. Related Articles.

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