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Amazing work. Synopsis: A deadly female assassin comes out of hiding to protect the daughter that she gave up years before, while on Directed By: Niki Caro. Critics Consensus: Shotgun Wedding may be just the invitation to escapism that romcom fans and JLo completists are looking for -- but most other viewers can safely RSVP no without regrets. Directed By: Steven Soderbergh. Jester McGree. Critics Consensus: The cast is stocked with likable performers, but What to Expect When You're Expecting is too disjointed -- and too reliant on stock rom-com cliches -- to live up to its distinguished literary namesake. Top Box Office. Right while her biological clock ticks away, Zoe Jennifer Lopez decides it's time to make Directed By: Dave Meyers. Synopsis: Einar Robert Redford , a recovering alcoholic rancher who lives with his loyal pal Mitch Morgan Freeman , gets an unexpected visit How To.

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