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Those are so called hls streams where the video is cut into lots of small parts to work better while streaming saves bandwidth and improves performance when jumping around or resuming an old stream. A download of hls-files is not possible Plugin outdated. This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. Send a private message to raztoki. Forums New posts Trending. Thanks for all your amazing work!! At this moment you will not need the EventScripter yet - just saying it might be useful in the future if you want to do stuff out of the boundaries of our existing feature set -psp-. EroScripts is a community for scripts that sync interactive sex toys with porn. If an admin say it is ok I can add it here later. I tried it but its not working. Hello, I was searching for the same Thing. Example rule: -psp-.

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