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I do not think they need it. Gloria Steinem repeatedly compared her style to that of the Biblical prophets. Archived from the original on April 18, The devil itself, and and the virgins mandy bright, and kathy parker. Pittsburgh: Cleis Press, Citing from both pornography and literature—including The Kreutzer Sonata , Madame Bovary , and Dracula —Dworkin argued that depictions of intercourse in mainstream art and culture consistently emphasized heterosexual intercourse as the only kind of "real" sex, portrayed intercourse in violent or invasive terms, portrayed the violence or invasiveness as central to its eroticism, and often united it with male contempt for, revulsion towards, or even murder of, the "carnal" woman. When she sued for libel, courts trivialized the pornographic lies as fantasy and dignified them as satire. Boreman made her charges public for the press corps at a press conference, with Dworkin, feminist lawyer Catharine MacKinnon , and members of Women Against Pornography. In , Dworkin published Right-Wing Women: The Politics of Domesticated Females , an examination of women's reasons for collaborating with conservative men for the limitation of women's freedom. DePaul University. After living in Crete, Dworkin returned to Bennington College for two years, where she continued to study literature and participated in campaigns against the college's student conduct code, for contraception on campus, for the legalization of abortion, and against the Vietnam War. Her life partner John Stoltenberg wrote that Dworkin was a trans ally who "repudiated the sex binary—and the biological essentialism upon which belief in it is based.

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