Is pornhub banned in malaysia

Is pornhub banned in malaysia

As of 28 January many political sites have been blocked by the Malaysian government. People's Republic of China. Trinidad and Tobago. Crimes against morality With imprisonment of at most one year or a fine of the fourth category is punished he who gives, offers or shows an image, an object or a data carrier, containing an image of which the display is considered harmful for persons under the age of sixteen, to a minor of whom he knows or should reasonably suspect that this person is under the age of sixteen. Every person who publishes or offers for sale any obscene book, writing or representation, shall be liable to imprisonment for two years. Some types of pornography both real and fictitious are technically illegal in Australia and if classified would be rated RC and therefore banned in Australia. Close this content. Pornography and The Criminal Justice System. Whoever has in his possession any such obscene book or other thing as is mentioned in the last preceding section for the purpose of sale, distribution, or public exhibition, shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to three months. Norway including all territories. Electronic gambling such as slot machines are available only for certain "limited premises", the only being Genting Highlands. Lord Devlin would have very much approved of the legislation.

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