Is pornhub banned in china

Is pornhub banned in china

In , 5, people were arrested and 9, illegal porn-related sites were shut down. Archived from the original on 7 June VPNs Restricted. Retrieved 20 November Other companies like Microsoft and Yahoo have only been allowed to provide service to the Chinese public because they allowed the CCP a backdoor to pry into user information. For every one they find, two more pop up. It was originally blocked in along with Twitter around the time of the protests in Xinjiang. Retrieved 13 October The quantity of advertisements on these websites, sometimes with no pornographic content available after the advertisements have been navigated, and the high risk of picking up malware in the process of attempting to access these websites has prompted some services in China to charge a membership fee in return for greater reliability and fewer or no advertisements. Retrieved 2 March In its place, China's own version of Twitter, Weibo , has skyrocketed to become one of China's most used apps. Frequently Asked Questions.

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