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The glute minimus is the smallest of the three major gluteal muscles, yet it plays a vital role in hip function and stability. Bulgarian Split Squat. Perform the suggested repetitions for the exercise and then switch sides. Step Ups. It's going to fire up your glutes more than you think, too, and it requires strong glutes. Squeeze your shoulder blades to create tension. This is just one anecdotal account - be sure to remember; fitness looks different on everyone, and each of our bodies responds to exercise in a different way. Your legs should be hip-width apart. What worked for you and what did not? As we've covered, your glutes are a major engine for athleticism and power. Why: The classic split squat is a strong starter move to unilateral leg training, and it'll work your glutes in two ways. Your shins should be parallel with the floor, with your feet about hip-width apart.

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