How to upload videos on pornhub

How to upload videos on pornhub

Now, uploading videos as a content partner is similar to posting via the Model Program. Pornhub also announced that it will release a Transparency Report consisting of their content moderation results from This is where things get a bit tricky, as the verification process requires personal info. A progress bar will be visible after clicking on START, this indicates how much is left till the adult video is uploaded. When you submit the form, you will receive an email within 72 hours with further verification instructions. The website is also planning to introduce a verification process that would let users upload content after proper verification. With the exception of a passport, for which you'll upload the photo page, you'll need photos of the front and back of your ID. In Short Pornhub will only allow identified users to upload content on the website. The restriction on downloads is significant in that context. To do so, you must apply to Pornhub's Model Program , which gives performers a percentage of ad revenue and offers additional paths to monetization, such as tips. I can see that when I go to video manager, edit and settings. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published.

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