How to remove video from pornhub

How to remove video from pornhub

Go to Homepage. Pornhub, one of the Internet's most popular porn websites, is making it easier for victims of "revenge porn" to get their videos removed. Share this story. Got it. But want to get the basic info and troubleshooting out of the way here. New York-based attorney Carrie Goldberg, who litigates revenge porn cases, said she has been using the Pornhub submissions form since it was launched a few months ago. Pornhub has removed millions of videos — the majority of its content — after an investigation revealed a large number of them featured underaged and sex-trafficked subjects. While the company acknowledged the severity of the accusations, it noted the campaign to crackdown on Pornhub comes from groups that have long campaigned against sex content of all kinds. Complaints to the website on the subject have declined about 38 percent in the past two years. More than 10 million videos have been wiped out. Brave with the shield up makes most web pages just a wall of text and makes Youtube unusable Desktop Support windows. Pyramid Scheme Word Game.

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