How to get around pornhub texas block

How to get around pornhub texas block

Age verification laws will only spread, and the implementation in the current eight states will serve as testbeds for how the laws can safely and proportionately be rolled out across in more states as legislation passes. It has always been easy for minors to lie about their age and access inappropriate content online. Of one thing we can be sure, pornography isn't going away anytime soon and neither is the controversy surrounding access to it. Following that experience, Aylo, PornHub's parent company took the decision to instead block the state in protest at the way the system was implemented. And who can take credit? Utah is the latest state to enact two laws aimed at blocking minors from porn sites and keeping kids away from social media unless they have explicit parental sign-off. As soon as the Utah porn age verification bill became law, a group called the Free Speech Coalition, a trade association for the pornography industry, filed suit asking for enforcement to be halted. Povich covers consumer affairs for Stateline. Pornhub will soon be inaccessible to users in five more states that are introducing age verification laws on adult entertainment websites. These issues did not stop other states from following Louisiana's lead. Elaine S. This comes as a federal appeals court upheld a Texas law mandating that pornography platforms implement age-verification measures to ensure only adults aged 18 or older can access their websites, the Houston Chronicle initially reported.

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