How many people use pornhub

How many people use pornhub

It's each of our responsibilities to do good. Sisolak et al. Pornhub The second place went to the character Harley Quinn, with over 9 million searches, followed by Teen Titans, with over 8 million searches, and The Incredibles, with over 6 million searches. The U. By submitting your information via this form, you agree to receive electronic communications from MobileSyrup, a division of Blue Ant Media Inc. Royal Berkshire Hospital. Ease of Access to Pornography. Worldwide, the average visit duration was 10 minutes and 28 seconds. Other statistics on the topic. Pornhub —One of the largest websites dedicated to publishing pornography. Jordi El Nino Polla was also at the top of the list in and Incentive Salience —A theory about brain function particularly relevant in describing the neural patterns of addicts.

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