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Considering the circumstances of their visit they are grieving a tragic death , the fact that there is laughter in this scene is daring and beautiful too, a welcome recognition of how impossible it is to live exclusively on one emotional plane for too long, that human beings are complicated creatures. Later, naked in their bedroom, James assesses her bruises and old scars reverentially and tenderly kisses her. More from Modern Lovers. By Jimi Famurewa. It's a mess, and it's crazy hot. We take no responsibility for the content on any website which we link to, please use your own discretion while surfing the links. Julie comes clattering back one evening with a man sporting a velvet jacket and an unfortunate pudding bowl haircut and they proceed to have sex in the living room. Many of my favourite sex scenes serve as incredibly hot inspiration to strip off and forge mindblowing connections through the beast with two backs. Interested in the worst sex scenes in film and TV? Well, sex can be like that sometimes, eh! At exactly the moment the online discourse around sex in movies was reaching new, ever more puritanical lows, Passages strutted onto the scene like Franz Rogowski in a midriff-baring mesh top, dripping with desire, lousy with lust, unambiguously steeped in sex and all the ways it fucks us up. Crucially, the pair are in constant communication with each other, not much of which is verbal, but we can see that they are always paying attention, keeping a thread of connection, occupying the same world.

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